“Owen Beans is a graceful Jesus, energetic and restless in some scenes, languid in others. There is a note of bel canto in his clear tenor as he sings "Poor Jerusalem"
and "Gethsemane."”
-Hugh Hunter, Philadelphia Inquirer
"Beans, who has performed extensively in theaters across the country, brings the right amount of scrappiness and likability to Jack."
-Scott Fangold, Illinois Times
“Wait, I haven’t mentioned Owen Beans as Jesus? That’s because he deserves special mention. The tenor can sing clearly and won immediate audience applause for his ability to hold high notes, but his forte is his controlled primal anguish, displayed wonderfully in “Gethsemane.”"
-Rick Mellerup, The Sandpaper
“Robbie Hart, played believably by Owen Beans, had me at hello!”
-Suzanne Ordas Curry, SuzeeBehindTheScenes.com